Sunday, November 9, 2008

Daddy's Turn

I've decided that I should let Joey take care of Jay more often. I came to this conclusion at church today when I asked Joey to feed Jay a bottle and I look over and see this: He fed himself almost the entire bottle without Joe's help! I couldn't believe it. I felt kind of bad taking a picture at church but I just had to have proof. You know I have heard of child prodigies in piano or voice but Jay is a prodigy of eating!

Oh and while I was downloading that picture from my phone I found this one...
Isn't he just soooo cute?


Shannon said...

YES! And tell him to stop growing so fast - I still haven't met him yet! Love ya!

thelivesofthebradyfamily said...

That is amazing! Maya refused to hold her bottle till she was like 10 months old!

Sherri Harward said...

It is so nice when they learn to hold their own bottles. That is great. He is starting early. Smart boy.

Landon and Julie said...

Girl! Your family is ADORABLE!!!