Saturday, September 17, 2011

It's Official

Baby Boy Brady will be born, one way or another, by this Monday. The doctor was worried that he was big so we did an ultrasound yesterday (that's where this cute picture came from) and it measured him at 9 lb. 4 oz.! They said that their machines are accurate to a pound, meaning that this baby is anywhere from 8.4 to 10.4. They also hooked me up to some monitors and confirmed that I am in fact having real, regular contractions but I'm not progressing.

So the decision was made that I would give my body until Monday to have this boy and if not, it's c-section #2. I asked about some kind of slow induction but the doctor said that the failure rate of induced Vbacs is 75%... not so good. Also the chances of having a baby this size as a Vbac are not great... not impossible... but not great.

Anyhow, I'm very excited to meet our sweet boy. And to finally name him! Wish me luck.


  1. That is such a precious picture. I'm excited for you!

  2. GOOD LUCK!!! :D Oh childbirth.... I don't wish for you to have to recover from a C-section again, so hopefully he will come in the next couple days! But, I've also given birth to ten-pounder and that's a little exhausting, too... So I'll just pray for you and wish you luck! :D

  3. Stacy he is so cute!!! I love it. I hope everything goes well for you. Good luck!
