Sunday, September 25, 2011


Ty David BradyBorn: Monday, September 19, 2011
Weight: 9 lbs 6 oz
Length: 21 in. long

I have to say that a repeat c-section was scarier than I thought it would be. With my first c-section I had about ten minutes to prepare, we were worried about Jay, and I already had an epidural in. It was over before I even knew what had happened. This time I knew three days in advance and had about 2 hours of prep at the hospital before the surgery. I had to have a spinal block put in while sitting up. (Now this was not as painful as I thought it would be but I was up really high on a small operating table and it took ten minutes. I'm not a needle person and I wanted to pass out.) Before surgery began I got really scared and almost ran for the door. Luckily my legs were numb by this point and I couldn't move. Then, by some miracle, the surgery began and I was completely calm. I felt this wave of peace rush over me and within two minutes I heard Ty cry for the first time.

(Here's my first time seeing him.) He was huge but perfect.

Watching Joe become a Daddy to two boys has been really fun. He's in heaven. And Jay loves having a little brother. (This was a shock to me.)
He loves how everything about Ty is little and he is always trying to "help" by giving him his pacifier, waking him up when he's been sleeping too long, and putting toys in Ty's swing so he can be happy.

I love my little family. Oh and I'm healing well. I'm still in pain but this recovery is cake compared to the first time!


  1. Lovin their gameday outfits! Glad recovery is going well. You've got the two cutest boys. Cute to hear how much Jay loves having Ty around. Can't wait to see you guys again.

  2. Adorable! Love the proud big brother, Love Ty's name. Congrat's on surviving week one:)

  3. Such CUTE boys! Joe has sent us lots of pictures on my phone, but these are new and really great to see. Love Jay's haircut. Ty is darling.
    Glad you're doing well, try not to overdue. Wish I were still down there-good that Joe can be home.

  4. Congrats!! We are so happy for you. I love little boys!

  5. Congratulations!!!! He is a big and very cute boy!! :) Hope things continue to go well!! Can't wait to hear more about him!

  6. Congratulations he is so, so sweet! I am so happy for you guys.

  7. STACY! I am so happy for Ty's safe arrival, even if it was via C-section. I love him already (and love his name). LOVE YOU.

  8. I know I'm late but congrats on your beautiful, new baby boy!!! What a doll! :)
