Joe got his MRI results yesterday and they came back clear! We are very relieved even if we don't have any answers. The eye doctor thinks that it was caused by a really bad headache Joe had this week. Apparently, severe migraines can cause a similar effect. Anyhow, we can rule out the major causes that would have shown up in an MRI. At least one good thing came of all this...
Jay loves the eye protectors the doctor gave Joe!
And in case your wondering, the "no milk" on Jay's shirt is for a purpose. We went to a family reunion on Joe's side that was camping with a ton of other people. We made him enough shirts to last the whole time.
Jay loves the eye protectors the doctor gave Joe!

Anyhow, thanks again everybody for your thoughts, prayers, phone calls, comments, fasting, etc. in our behalf. We are blessed to have such a great support system.