Jay has been feeling great lately. I'm still not completely over his latest "incident" but he seems to be back to normal already (even with all the benadryl and steroids). I don't know if it's the whole "near death" thing or not but he's just extra cute this week.
It could be his new over-sized construction boots paired with his skin tight PJs.
Or how he plays with his Daddy...
...a.k.a. the pajama monster!
Then there is the adorable way he says "ba" (bye) and waves his little hand.
He does that every time I put him down for a nap, followed by putting his hand to his mouth and saying "ma" as he blows me a kiss.
Oh and I can't forget his newly acquired flying skills.
It could be his new over-sized construction boots paired with his skin tight PJs.

Oh and I can't forget his newly acquired flying skills.

I'm doing okay too. I float between being grateful he's alive and being scared out of my mind that his allergy is still so severe. I'm trying not to dwell on all the implications of him not growing out of this anytime soon. But it's hard. How will we ever go camping? How will I ever let him have a sleepover? How can I ever put him in nursery? Take him anywhere that is more than ten minutes from a hospital? Kindergarten?!? Home School is looking better and better to me. I'm hoping that he'll skate through life on his good looks and no one will ever notice his lack of social skills. He needs another child with food allergies to be his friend. I need another mother that is just as paranoid as I am to be my friend.
Oh and I need to write this down because it's just too funny to forget: When we first got to the E.R. on Saturday, the doctor came in to see Jay. One of the first things he said was, "Now is this part of the reaction or are his lips always that big?" I smiled and proudly said that was normal.